Powered by Vertex
Reliable, high-volume system for DISC production with performance thermal printing
System Includes:
- Monitor
- Keyboard
- Mouse
25te Specifications
Printing Technology: High-Resolution Black or Color Thermal
Recorder(s): 2 recorders: burns CD-R and DVD-R
Input Capacity: 3 bins: 50 DISCs each
Output Capacity: 50 DISCs internal bin / 50 DISCs external bin
Part # Description
301-034005 Sorna-Certified CD-R, White Thermal, Bulk, Qty 1000
301-050406 Sorna Certified DVD-R, White Thermal, Bulk, 300 Qty
201-003655 Everest Encore Black Ribbon, For Approx. 1000 CDs *
202-003656 Everest Encore 3-color (CMY) Ribbon, 2 per order, For 100 CDs *
202-001469 Everest 600/400/Encore Transfer Roll, 2 per order, For 1000 CDs
201-210725 Everest Print head Cleaning Kit
To order supplies, please submit Purchase Order to CMX Medical Imaging via fax or e-mail.
Fax: 425-656-2855
For pricing information, or if you have any questions, please call 800-869-7191.